Color: Blue
- HIGH CALORIES - While other mass gainers provides 3480 calories, Patanjali Nutrela Weight Gain is formulated to deliver highest calorie 3834 kcal per serving for optimum weight gain.
- VEG & SAFE TO USE - Patanjali Nutrela Weight gain has no side effects and is vegetarian wight gainer. Comes with LAB REPORT from NABL Govt. Accredited lab which can be downloaded post purchase .
- IDEAL FOR : Patanjali Nutrela Weight Gain is ideal for teenagers, young women and men, who wants to achieve a healthy and attractive physique
- INGREDIENTS : GMO Free, Gluten Free, No banned Substance Added, No Doping Ingredients Added (as per WADA/NADA), No Preservatives
- AUTHENTIC - Scan the QR code for Nutrela Sandesh and check hologram for authenticity
Part Number: Weightgain2kg
Details: HIGH CALORIES - While other mass gainers provides 3480 calories, Patanjali Nutrela Weight Gain is formulated to deliver highest calorie 3834 kcal per serving for optimum weight gain., SCIENTIFIC FORMULATION : A unique balanced formulation of easy to absorb proteins- 20g, complex carbohydrates - 66.6g, Fats - 8g and 52 essential nutrients - 11 herbs, 12 Minerals, 11 Bio Fermented Vitamins and added Glutamine, VEG & SAFE TO USE - Patanjali Nutrela Weight gain has no side effects and is vegetarian wight gainer. Comes with LAB REPORT from NABL Govt. Accredited lab which can be downloaded post purchase ., IDEAL FOR : Patanjali Nutrela Weight Gain is ideal for teenagers, young women and men, who wants to achieve a healthy and attractive physique, INGREDIENTS : GMO Free, Gluten Free, No banned Susbstance Added,No Doping Ingredients Added (as per WADA/NADA), No Preservatives
Package Dimensions: 11.8 x 5.9 x 5.9 inches